SQLAlchemy left join using subquery

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名媛妹妹 2021-02-10 21:45

Lets say there\'s a table \"posts\" which contains blog posts, and another table \"favorites\" which links a username to a post. Many users can favorite a post, so the relations

  • 2021-02-10 22:19

    Really you just need to replace the outerjoin with join, and the filter would work just fine.

    Also, if your favorites table contains no additional information and only links users and posts, you should consider simply defining a `Many to Many' relationship. In the documentation examples Parent/Child would be your User/Post.

    Update-1: just to answer second part of the question given your comment, the query below should give you an idea:

    current_user = 2
    subq = (db.session.query(favorites)
            .filter(favorites.user_id == current_user).subquery('ff'))
    q = (db.session.query(posts, subq.c.score)
         .outerjoin(subq, subq.c.post_id == posts.post_id))
    q = q.order_by(subq.c.score.desc())
    for post, score in q:
        print(post, score)
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