Relations on composite keys using sqlalchemy

后端 未结 1 1352
北海茫月 2020-11-27 12:50

I have this simple model of Author - Books and can\'t find a way to make firstName and lastName a composite key and use it in relation. Any ideas?

from sqlal         

  • 2020-11-27 13:07

    The problem is that you have defined each of the dependent columns as foreign keys separately, when that's not really what you intend, you of course want a composite foreign key. Sqlalchemy is responding to this by saying (in a not very clear way), that it cannot guess which foreign key to use (firstName or lastName).

    The solution, declaring a composite foreign key, is a tad clunky in declarative, but still fairly obvious:

    class Book(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'books'
        title = Column(String(20), primary_key=True)
        author_firstName = Column(String(20))
        author_lastName = Column(String(20))
        __table_args__ = (ForeignKeyConstraint([author_firstName, author_lastName],
                                               [Author.firstName, Author.lastName]),

    The important thing here is that the ForeignKey definitions are gone from the individual columns, and a ForeignKeyConstraint is added to a __table_args__ class variable. With this, the relationship defined on Author.books works just right.

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