I have an image at this link: http://d38daqc8ucuvuv.cloudfront.net/avatars/216/2014-02-19%2017.13.48.jpg
As you can see, this is a normal image with correct orientat
It's the EXIF data that your Samsung phone incorporates.
I found part of the solution. Images now have metadata that specify the orientation of the photo. There is a new CSS spec for image-orientation.
Just add this to your CSS:
img {
image-orientation: from-image;
According to the spec as of Jan 25 2016, Firefox and iOS Safari (behind a prefix) are the only browsers that support this. I'm seeing issues with Safari and Chrome still. However, mobile Safari seems to natively support orientation without the CSS tag.
I suppose we'll have to wait and see if browsers wills start supporting image-orientation
Until CSS: image-orientation:from-image;
is more universally supported we are doing a server side solution with python. Here's the gist of it. You check the exif data for orientation, then rotate the image accordingly and resave.
We prefer this solution over client side solutions as it does not require loading extra libraries client side, and this operation only has to happen one time on file upload.
if fileType == "image":
exifToolCommand = "exiftool -j '%s'" % filePath
exif = json.loads(subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(exifToolCommand), stderr=subprocess.PIPE))
if 'Orientation' in exif[0]:
findDegrees, = re.compile("([0-9]+)").search(exif[0]['Orientation']).groups()
if findDegrees:
rotateDegrees = int(findDegrees)
if 'CW' in exif[0]['Orientation'] and 'CCW' not in exif[0]['Orientation']:
rotateDegrees = rotateDegrees * -1
# rotate image
img = Image.open(filePath)
img2 = img.rotate(rotateDegrees)
Your image is actually upside down. But it has a meta attribute "Orientation" which tells the viewer it should be the rotated 180 degrees. Some devices/viewers don't obey this rule.
Open it in Chrome: right way up Open it in FF: right way up Open it in IE: upside down
Open it in Paint: Upside down Open it in Photoshop: Right way up. etc.
save as png solved the problem for me.
Use external styling. in the html sheet give the class name to the tag. in the style sheet use dot operator preceeded by class name and then write the following code
.rotate180 {
-webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(180deg);
-o-transform: rotate(180deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(180deg);
transform: rotate(180deg);