from django import template
register = template.Library()
def replace(value, cherche, remplacement):
Heres a bad idea but works:
{{ xml|input_by_xpath:"{'type':'radio','xpath':'//result/value'}" }}
def input_by_xpath(device, args):
args = eval(args)
result = "<input type=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" name=\"%s\"/>"%(args['type'],value,args['xpath'])
return mark_safe(result)
It's easy like this.
def one_more(_1, _2):
return _1, _2
def your_filter(_1_2, _3)
_1, _2 = _1_2
print "now you have three arguments, enjoy"
{{ _1|one_more:_2|your_filter:_3 }}
You can just simply do this:
{% assign find_total_issued = dailysalesreport | find: "TotalIssued":"13" %}
public static List<object> Find(object collection, string column, string value)
And it will reach the destination as the abstraction of the function is sjare