I\'m trying to find solution for it and confused how do I display third power/ cube in a UILabel. I tried to find answer in previously asked question but none of them were usefu
You need to include the unicode symbol for a superscripted three:
NSInteger number = 10;
NSString *cubedSymbol = @"\u00B3";
NSString *tenCubed = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d%@",number,cubedSymbol];
Plenty more fun is to be had here
Another solution would be to use the Core Text framework to draw an NSAttributedString
with the kCTSuperscriptAttributeName
attribute on the section of the string you want to make superscript. This ends up being more work including custom drawing and things, but is more flexible than relying on unicode characters.
Here’s a blog post I found with some more information: http://iphonedevelopment.blogspot.com/2011/03/attributed-strings-in-ios.html
on Mac OS X has lots of nice uses built into AppKit, but Apple hasn’t made it easy with UIKit for iOS.