Is it possible to kind of \"attach\" a list of buffers to particular tabs within Vim? I am currently using MiniBufferExplorer, which shows all buffers in nice tabs. It can be co
I cant think of any Tab based buffer explorers out there but vimscript has got plenty of functions to track of buffers (:he function-list) . I just knocked this up for the hell of it. It might get you to what you want . It just keeps track of tabs in a vim dictionary. You will need to flesh out the :TabExplorer function or patch the filtered list (ie. g:TabExplorer[tabpagenr()]) into the minibuf plugin
Save it as ~/.vim/plugin/tabexplorer.vim and source it at startup.
let g:TabExplorer = {}
func! StoreBufTab()
if !has_key(g:TabExplorer, tabpagenr())
let g:TabExplorer[tabpagenr()] = []
if index(g:TabExplorer[tabpagenr()], bufname("%")) == -1 && bufname("%") != ""
call add (g:TabExplorer[tabpagenr()],bufname("%"))
func! DisplayTabExplorer()
call append(".",g:TabExplorer[tabpagenr()])
au BufEnter * call StoreBufTab()
command! TabExplorer call DisplayTabExplorer()