The Http Server embedded in JDK 6 is a big help developing web services, but I\'ve got situation where I published an Endpoint and then the code crashed and left the server runn
I've never used this server before and I can't find any good documentation. Perhaps these less elegant solutions have occurred to you already, but I just thought I would mention them.
Seems like has an implementation class called HttpServerImpl. It has a method called stop().
Or perhaps you can find the Thread listening on the server socket and call interrupt().
I use the below code to start it
this.httpServer = HttpServer.create(addr, 0);
HttpContext context = this.httpServer.createContext("/", new DocumentProcessHandler());
this.httpThreadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(this.noOfThreads);
and below code to stop it
How about not loosing the reference, then? When you say your code crashes, I assume you get an exception somewhere. Where exactly? So someone capable of intercepting this exception obviously needs to also have a reference to the HttpServer, which you might have to pass around yourself.
Edit: Oh. In that case if you don't want to kill the entire JVM with the HttpServer in it, then you will need to offer some form of IPC to the environment, e.g. a command channel via RMI that can be invoked from a Java program (and hence Ant).
Another solution would be to have the server listen for some "secret" cookie query, where you e.g. print/save the cookie on startup so that the Ant script can retrieve the cookie, and you can fire off a query to your "secret" URL upon which the server will exit itself gracefully.
I'd go with a quick RMI solution.
netstat -a
to find the pid of the process that has the port open (assuming you know the port), and
kill -9 $pid
to kill the process.