I\'m trying to introduce Haskell into my daily life by using it to write incidental scripts and such.
readProcess is handy for getting the results of exterior commands,
I found this to be a good starting point: http://www.serpentine.com/blog/2007/02/27/a-haskell-regular-expression-tutorial/ It only covers the basics, no advanced topics, but it's great to get started IMHO.
Things to note:
cabal install regex-pcre
and you should be good to go.
DISCLAIMER: I only really user pcre, myself, so I don't really know much about the other packages.
When I was first teaching myself Haskell I found that learning to use a parser combinator library for string processing was a fantastic investment. They can do everything regular expressions can do, and much more, and writing combinator parsers is a great way to build up intuitions about type classes like monads, applicative functors, etc.
I tend to use Attoparsec these days, but Parsec is probably a better starting point because it's more widely documented and discussed, provides nicer error messages, etc.
There are plenty of great regex libs in Haskell, but we have better tools. Let's stick with standard Haskell Strings for now (i.e. lists of Char). The basics are all in Data.List -- http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/libraries/base- You have lines, unlines, words, unwords, takewhile, dropwhile, etc.etc. Also isPrefixOf
and isInfixOf
, etc.
You may end up writing your own recursive functions fairly directly, but that's a breeze too. The only really missing operations are splitting ones, for which you can use brent's excellent package: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/split
Fundamentally, the notion is that you want to do incremental processing of streams of characters.
Not everything is as efficient as possible, especially since the string representation is not that efficient. But if/when you move on to other data types, the core concepts of how you process things will translate directly from basic strings.
A good introduction to regular expressions is to be found in Realworld Haskell
Update: On a side note, for command-processing and pipes and such, checkout HSH.