I have a VS2008 I want to copy certain files from a directory into my /bin/
folder. I have set the files (located in /common/browserhawk/
) to \"Co
I ended up adding a step to the nant build file to copy after successful compliation
<target name="action.copy.browserhawk.config" depends="compile.source">
<copy todir="${App.Web.dir}/bin/" includeemptydirs="false">
<fileset basedir="${browserhawk.config.dir}">
<include name="bhawk_bb.dat" />
<include name="bhawk_sp.dat" />
<include name="browserhawk.properties" />
<include name="maindefs.bdd" />
<include name="maindefs.bdf" />
<include name="BH_PRO.lic" />
<echo message="COPY BROWSERHAWK CONFIG: SUCCESS ${datetime::now()}" />
You could build a batch file to copy the files and execute it as a post-build event.