How do I troubleshoot performance problems with an Oracle SQL statement

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夕颜 2021-02-10 08:12

I have two insert statements, almost exactly the same, which run in two different schemas on the same Oracle instance. What the insert statement looks like doesn\'t matter - I\'

  • 2021-02-10 08:30

    When the performance of a sql statement isn't as expected / desired, one of the first things I do is to check the execution plan.

    The trick is to check for things that aren't as expected. For example you might find table scans where you think an index scan should be faster or vice versa.

    A point where the oracle optimizer sometimes takes a wrong turn are the estimates how many rows a step will return. If the execution plan expects 2 rows, but you know it will more like 2000 rows, the execution plan is bound to be less than optimal.

    With two statements to compare you can obviously compare the two execution plans to see where they differ.

    From this analysis, I come up with an execution plan that I think should be suited better. This is not an exact execution plan, but just some crucial changes, to the one I found, like: It should use Index X or a Hash Join instead of a nested loop.

    Next thing is to figure out a way to make Oracle use that execution plan. Often by using Hints, or creating additonal indexes, sometimes changing the SQL statement. Then of course test that the changed statement

    a) still does what it is supposed to do

    b) is actually faster

    With b it is very important to make sure you are testing the correct use case. A typical pit fall is the difference between returning the first row, versus returning the last row. Most tools show you the first results as soon as they are available, with no direct indication, that there is more work to be done. But if your actual program has to process all rows before it continues to the next processing step, it is almost irrelevant when the first row appears, it is only relevant when the last row is available.

    If you find a better execution plan, the final step is to make you database actually use it in the actual program. If you added an index, this will often work out of the box. Hints are an option, but can be problematic if a library creates your sql statement, those ofte don't support hints. As a last resort you can save and fix execution plans for specific sql statements. I'd avoid this approach, because its easy to become forgotten and in a year or so some poor developer will scratch her head why the statement performs in a way that might have been apropriate with the data one year ago, but not with the current data ...

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  • 2021-02-10 08:40

    Use the SQL Trace facility and TKPROF.

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  • 2021-02-10 08:42

    The first thing to realize is that, as the documentation says, the cost you see displayed is relative to one of the query plans. The costs for 2 different explains are not comparable. Secondly the costs are based on an internal estimate. As hard as Oracle tries, those estimates are not accurate. Particularly not when the optimizer misbehaves. Your situation suggests that there are two query plans which, according to Oracle, are very close in performance. But which, in fact, perform very differently.

    The actual information that you want to look at is the actual explain plan itself. That tells you exactly how Oracle executes that query. It has a lot of technical gobbeldy-gook, but what you really care about is knowing that it works from the most indented part out, and at each step it merges according to one of a small number of rules. That will tell you what Oracle is doing differently in your two instances.

    What next? Well there are a variety of strategies to tune bad statements. The first option that I would suggest, if you're in Oracle 10g, is to try their SQL tuning advisor to see if a more detailed analysis will tell Oracle the error of its ways. It can then store that plan, and you will use the more efficient plan.

    If you can't do that, or if that doesn't work, then you need to get into things like providing query hints, manual stored query outlines, and the like. That is a complex topic. This is where it helps to have a real DBA. If you don't, then you'll want to start reading the documentation, but be aware that there is a lot to learn. (Oracle also has a SQL tuning class that is, or at least used to be, very good. It isn't cheap though.)

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  • I agree with a previous poster that SQL Trace and tkprof are a good place to start. I also highly recommend the book Optimizing Oracle Performance, which discusses similar tools for tracing execution and analyzing the output.

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  • 2021-02-10 08:45

    Another good reference that presents a general technique for query tuning is the book SQL Tuning by Dan Tow.

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  • 2021-02-10 08:49

    I've put up my general list of things to check to improve performance as an answer to another question:

    Favourite performance tuning tricks

    ... It might be helpful as a checklist, even though it's not Oracle-specific.

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