I like using templates for a couple of reasons:
1) It cleans up the readability of the PHP code. My PHP files become bloated and ungraceful when there are print("") statements with chunks of HTML everywhere. Also, issues crop up like how do you pass variables into the HTML text? Do you use tags everywhere? Do you use print("") and escape your HTML quotes and concatenate your variables? Do you use print("") and use single quotes in HTML, going against the standard, and insert your variables directly?
2) It cleans up the presentation of the HTML code. It can become hard to keep your generated HTML looking good if it is cut and hacked to pieces across multiple files. For example, your indenting can get way off.
3) It allows you to create multiple templates, and then a logged in user can select which template/skin he wants to display when browsing your website, and you can also quickly and effortlessly change the default template to something else if you're so inclined.
Overall, it's just a better way of organizing everything. There is a little bit of tradeoff in having to learn and type template class commands, open multiple files, etc. But in my opinion I think it is worth it because the code's readability and organization goes up.