Having trouble provisioning EC2 instances using Ansible

前端 未结 1 1036
南笙 2021-02-10 05:48

I\'m very confused on how you are supposed to launch EC2 instances using Ansible.

I\'m trying to use the ec2.py inventory scripts. I\'m not sure which one is supposed to

  • 2021-02-10 06:09

    There are several questions in your post. I'll try to summarise them in three items:

    1. Is it still possible to launch instances in EC2 Classic (no VPC)?
    2. How do I create a new EC2 instance using Ansible?
    3. How to launch the dynamic inventory file ec2.py?

    1. EC2 Classic

    Your options will differ depending on when did you create your AWS account, the type of instance and the AMI virtualisation type used. Refs: aws account,instance type.

    If none of the above parameters restricts the usage of EC2 classic you should be able to create a new instance without defining any VPC.

    2. Create a new EC2 instance with Ansible

    Since your instance doesn't exist yet a dynamic inventory file (ec2.py) is useless. Try to instruct ansible to run on your local machine instead.

    Create a new inventory file, e.g. new_hosts with the following contents:


    Then your playbook, e.g. create_instance.yml should use a local connection and hosts: localhost. See an example below:

    --- # Create ec2 instance playbook
    - hosts: localhost
      connection: local
      gather_facts: false
        inst_name: "What's the name of the instance?"
          keypair: "your_keypair"
          instance_type: "m1.small"
          image: "ami-xxxyyyy"
          group: "your_group"
          region: "us-west-2"
        - name: make one instance
          ec2: image={{ image }}
               instance_type={{ instance_type }}
               keypair={{ keypair }}
               instance_tags='{"Name":"{{ inst_name }}"}'
               region={{ region }}
               group={{ group }}
          register: ec2_info
        - name: Add instances to host group
          add_host: hostname={{ item.public_ip }} groupname=ec2hosts
          with_items: ec2_info.instances
        - name: Wait for SSH to come up
          wait_for: host={{ item.public_dns_name }} port=22 delay=60 timeout=320 state=started
          with_items: ec2_info.instances

    This play will create an EC2 instance and it will register its public IP as an ansible host variable ec2hosts ie. as if you had defined it in the inventory file. This is useful if you want to provision the instance just created, just add a new play with hosts: ec2hosts.

    Ultimately, launch ansible as follows:

    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY=<your aws access key here>
    export AWS_SECRET_KEY=<your aws secret key here>
    ansible-playbook -i new_hosts create_instance.yml

    The purpose of the environment variable ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=false is to avoid being prompted to add the ssh host key when connecting to the instance.

    Note: boto needs to be installed on the machine that runs the above ansible command.

    3. Use ansible's ec2 dynamic inventory

    EC2 dynamic inventory is comprised of 2 files, ec2.py and ec2.ini. In your particular case, I believe that your issue is due to the fact that ec2.py is unable to locate ec2.ini file.

    To solve your issue, copy ec2.py and ec2.ini to the same folder in the machine where you intend to run ansible, e.g. to /etc/ansible/.

    Pre Ansible 2.0 release (change the branch accordingly).

    cd /etc/ansible
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible/ansible/stable-1.9/plugins/inventory/ec2.py
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible/ansible/stabe-1.9/plugins/inventory/ec2.ini
    chmod u+x ec2.py

    For Ansible 2:

    cd /etc/ansible
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible/ansible/devel/contrib/inventory/ec2.py
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible/ansible/devel/contrib/inventory/ec2.ini
    chmod u+x ec2.py

    Configure ec2.ini and run ec2.py, which should print an ini formatted list of hosts to stdout.

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