I am having issue with the new Android Navigation Architecture component when I try to navigate from one Fragment to another, I get this weird error:
Usually when this happens to me, I had the issue described by Charles Madere: Two navigation events triggered on the same ui, one changing the currentDestination and the other failing because the currentDestination is changed. This can happen if you double-tap, or click on two views with a click listener calling findNavController.navigate.
So to resolve this you can either use if-checks, try-catch or if you are interested there is a findSafeNavController() which does this checks for you before navigating. It also has a lint-check to make sure you don't forget about this issue.
Article detailing the issue
I have resolved the same problem by putting check before navigate instead of boilerplate code for clicking instantly control
if (findNavController().currentDestination?.id == R.id.currentFragment) {
/* Here R.id.currentFragment is the id of current fragment in navigation graph */
according to this answer
I resolve this issue by checking if the next action exist in the current destination
public static void launchFragment(BaseFragment fragment, int action) {
if (fragment != null && NavHostFragment.findNavController(fragment).getCurrentDestination().getAction(action) != null) {
public static void launchFragment(BaseFragment fragment, NavDirections directions) {
if (fragment != null && NavHostFragment.findNavController(fragment).getCurrentDestination().getAction(directions.getActionId()) != null) {
This resolve a problem if the user click fast on 2 differents button
It seems like you are clearing task. An app might have a one-time setup or series of login screens. These conditional screens should not be considered the starting destination of your app.
There could be many reasons for this problem. In my case i was using the MVVM model and i was observing a boolean for navigation when the boolean is true -> navigate else don't do anything and this was working fine but there was one mistake here
when pressing back button from the destination fragment i was encountering the same problem .And problem was the boolean object as I forgot to change the boolean value to false this created the mess.I just created a function in viewModel to change its value to false and called it just after the findNavController()
If you're using a recyclerview just add a click listener cooldown on your click and also in your recyclerview xml file use android:splitMotionEvents="false"