pandas - Merge nearly duplicate rows based on column value

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小鲜肉 2020-11-27 11:34

I have a pandas dataframe with several rows that are near duplicates of each other, except for one value. My goal is to merge or \"coalesce\" these rows into a

  • 2020-11-27 12:12

    You can groupby and apply the list function:

    >>> df['Use_Case'].groupby([df.Name, df.Sid, df.Revenue]).apply(list).reset_index()
        Name    Sid     Revenue     0
    0   A   xx01    $10.00  [Voice, SMS]
    1   B   xx02    $5.00   [Voice]
    2   C   xx03    $15.00  [Voice, SMS, Video]

    (In case you are concerned about duplicates, use set instead of list.)

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  • 2020-11-27 12:14

    I think you can use groupby with aggregate first and custom function ', '.join:

    df = df.groupby('Name').agg({'Sid':'first', 
                                 'Use_Case': ', '.join, 
                                 'Revenue':'first' }).reset_index()
    #change column order                           
    print df[['Name','Sid','Use_Case','Revenue']]                              
      Name   Sid           Use_Case Revenue
    0    A  xx01         Voice, SMS  $10.00
    1    B  xx02              Voice   $5.00
    2    C  xx03  Voice, SMS, Video  $15.00

    Nice idea from comment, thanks Goyo:

    df = df.groupby(['Name','Sid','Revenue'])['Use_Case'].apply(', '.join).reset_index()
    #change column order                           
    print df[['Name','Sid','Use_Case','Revenue']]                              
      Name   Sid           Use_Case Revenue
    0    A  xx01         Voice, SMS  $10.00
    1    B  xx02              Voice   $5.00
    2    C  xx03  Voice, SMS, Video  $15.00
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-27 12:18

    I was using some code that I didn't think was optimal and eventually found jezrael's answer. But after using it and running a timeit test, I actually went back to what I was doing, which was:

    cmnts = {}
    for i, row in df.iterrows():
        while True:
                if row['Use_Case']:
            except KeyError:
                cmnts[row['Name']] = []
    df.drop_duplicates('Name', inplace=True)
    df['Use_Case'] = ['; '.join(v) for v in cmnts.values()]

    According to my 100 run timeit test, the iterate and replace method is an order of magnitude faster than the groupby method.

    import pandas as pd
    from my_stuff import time_something
    df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [i / (i % 4 + 1) for i in range(1, 10001)],
                       'b': [i for i in range(1, 10001)]})
    runs = 100
    interim_dict = 'txt = {}\n' \
                   'for i, row in df.iterrows():\n' \
                   '    try:\n' \
                   "        txt[row['a']].append(row['b'])\n\n" \
                   '    except KeyError:\n' \
                   "        txt[row['a']] = []\n" \
                   "df.drop_duplicates('a', inplace=True)\n" \
                   "df['b'] = ['; '.join(v) for v in txt.values()]"
    grouping = "new_df = df.groupby('a')['b'].apply(str).apply('; '.join).reset_index()"
    print(time_something(interim_dict, runs, beg_string='Interim Dict', glbls=globals()))
    print(time_something(grouping, runs, beg_string='Group By', glbls=globals()))


    Interim Dict
      Total: 59.1164s
      Avg: 591163748.5887ns
    Group By
      Total: 430.6203s
      Avg: 4306203366.1827ns

    where time_something is a function which times a snippet with timeit and returns the result in the above format.

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