I am working with Map Kit in iOS 8 using Obj-C NOT SWIFT. I cannot get the device location it is set a 0.00, 0.00 and I am getting the error:
Trying to start
To extend the accepted answer and if you create a sample project with just the above functionality, then apart from CoreLocation
and Mapkit
frameworks, you might need to add UIKit
, Foundation
and CoreGraphics
framework manually as well in Xcode 6
Actually, I am studying the CS193P Lecture 16, which is about location and map view, and I could not make the location manager work in iOS 8, applying what was in the video. Looking at your answer, I could make it work.
The Info.plist was modified as described in the answers (I use the NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription).
In AddPhotoViewController.hn the define was added :
#define IS_OS_8_OR_LATER ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 8.0)
In AddPhotoViewController.m, the following code was added in ViewDidLoad (after self.image):
#ifdef __IPHONE_8_0
[self.locationManager requestWhenInUseAuthorization];
The authorization will be asked only once, the first time you launch the application.
The following was also added to AddPhotoViewController.h because it was not said in Lecture 16 :
@property (nonatomic) NSInteger locationErrorCode;
shouldPerformSegueWithIdentifier was modified to include else if (!self.location) :
else if (![self.titleTextField.text length])
[self alert:@"Title required"];
return NO;
else if (!self.location)
switch (self.locationErrorCode)
case kCLErrorLocationUnknown:
[self alert:@"Couldn't figure out where this photo was taken (yet)."]; break;
case kCLErrorDenied:
[self alert:@"Location Services disabled under Privacy in Settings application."]; break;
case kCLErrorNetwork:
[self alert:@"Can't figure out where this photo is being taken. Verify your connection to the network."]; break;
[self alert:@"Cant figure out where this photo is being taken, sorry."]; break;
return NO;
{ // should check imageURL too to be sure we could write the file
return YES;
didFailWithError was added :
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didFailWithError:(NSError *)error
self.locationErrorCode = error.code;