I need to patch the standard User model of contrib.auth
by ensuring the email field entry is unique:
User._meta.fields[4].unique = True
Your form should look something like this.
def clean_email(self):
email = self.cleaned_data.get('email')
username = self.cleaned_data.get('username')
print User.objects.filter(email=email).count()
if email and User.objects.filter(email=email).count() > 0:
raise forms.ValidationError(u'This email address is already registered.')
return email
The first answer here is working for me when I'm creating new users, but it fails when I try to edit a user, since I am excluding the username from the view. Is there a simple edit for this that will make the check independent of the username field?
I also tried including the username field as a hidden field (since I don't want people to edit it), but that failed too because django was checking for duplicate usernames in the system.
(sorry this is posted as an answer, but I lack the creds to post it as a comment. Not sure I understand Stackoverflow's logic on that.)
from an User inherited model, redefine the attribute correctly. It should work, as is it's not usefull to have that in django core because it's simple to do.
Since version 1.2 (May 11th, 2015) there has been a way to dynamically import any chosen registration form using the settings option REGISTRATION_FORM
So, one could use something like this:
REGISTRATION_FORM = 'registration.forms.RegistrationFormUniqueEmail'
This is documented here.
And here's the link to the changelog entry.
Add the below function in any of the models.py file. Then run makemigrations and migrate. Tested on Django1.7
def set_email_as_unique():
Sets the email field as unique=True in auth.User Model
email_field = dict([(field.name, field) for field in MyUser._meta.fields])["email"]
setattr(email_field, '_unique', True)
#this is called here so that attribute can be set at the application load time
Django has a Full Example on its documentation on how to substitute and use a Custom User Model, so you can add fields and use email as username.