If a number is divisible by both 3 and 5, then it's divisible by 15, so:
for each number 1 to 100:
if number % 15 == 0:
print number, "fizzbuzz"
else if number % 5 == 0:
print number, "buzz"
else if number % 3 == 0:
print number, "fizz"
print number
Other than that, you probably won't get it much shorter, at least in a conventional language like C (and I'm assuming you don't want the normal code-golf style modifications that make your code unreadable).
You could also get the whole thing into two lines if you packed the entire main
function onto a single large line, but I would hope you wouldn't be after that sort of trickery either.
You can possibly get it faster (though you should check all performance claims for yourself) with something like:
static const char *xyzzy[] = {
"", "", "fizz", "", "buzz",
"fizz", "", "", "fizz", "buzz",
"", "fizz", "", "buzz", "fizzbuzz",
// Duplicate those last three lines to have seven copies (7x15=105).
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
printf ("%d %s\n", i, xyzzy[i-1]);
As an aside, that array of char pointers is likely to be less space-expensive than you think, thanks to constant amalgamation - in other words, it will be likely that there will only be one of each C string.
As I say, whether it's faster should be tested. In addition, your original specs only called for the shortest code so it may be irrelevant.