Some questions about abstract class with private, public and protected constructors

前端 未结 5 1218
北海茫月 2021-02-09 21:30

My first question: What is the difference between an protected and a public constructor in an abstract class?

My second questions: Does it make sense, if the abstract cl

  • 2021-02-09 22:14

    There doesn't seem to be much difference to me, the following code outputs


    public abstract class Foo
        protected Foo() {
            Console.WriteLine ("Foo");
    public class Bar : Foo
        public Bar() {
            Console.WriteLine ("Bar");
    void Main()
        new Bar();

    An abstract constructor can not be overriden if it's protected. Not sure If I answered your question :-)

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  • 2021-02-09 22:17

    To clarify my first questions, I will answer again(without commenting). So, I know that is not possible to instansite abstract class directly. Only if a class derives from the abstarct class, can be instansiated. I know that a class can have constructor like private, public, internal and also protected. What protected mean, I know.

    But what the difference between a public a protected constructor in an abstract class. I can not see the difference beteween there twos.

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  • 2021-02-09 22:19

    One possible design that would use a private constructor on an abstract class:

    public abstract class BaseClass
        private BaseClass(Object param)
            //Do something with parameters
        //Provide various methods that descendant classes will know how to perform
        public static BaseClass FromObject(Object value)
            //Based on object, choose which type of derived class to construct...
        private class HiddenDerivedA : BaseClass
            public HiddenDerivedA(Object value)
                : base(value)
        private class HiddenDerivedB : BaseClass
            public HiddenDerivedB(Object value)
                : base(value)

    This pattern is useful if the derived implementations are tightly coupled to the selection logic used to construct them and you wish to provide a high degree of insulation from the rest of your code. It relieves you of the responsibility of having to support other inheritors besides those you explicitly intended and allows you to expose all private state from the base class to your derived classes.

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  • 2021-02-09 22:22

    Question #1: Not much. You can't call the constructor of an abstract class (instantiate it) directly anyway. You could only call one from a subclass, which means you'd definitely have access to protected members as well as public members at that point.

    Question #2: No, not much sense. A private constructor on an abstract class could only be called by "constructor chaining" from a non-private constructor in the same class.

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  • 2021-02-09 22:24
    1. Very little. The public constructor can only be used as a protected one.

    2. Yes, it can be called ('sideways') with the this keyword from other (protected/public) constructors.

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