I\'ve been looking at the code in this tutorial, and I found that it uses My.Computer.Name
to save settings that shouldn\'t roam between computers. It\'s entire
If you are on windows HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ProductId
is unique per machine/per windows install. where as in some of the other answers like the MAC address, Proc SN, and HD SN will stay the same between windows reinstalls/dual boot situations.
In a managed network environment, the best, most reliable identifier might be the one you create, but there are some downsides.
Some (many?) manufacturers provide a utility that allows you to set an asset tag that is stored in the firmware. This might be a bootable utility, or it might run within Windows, or it might even be built into the firmware setup. This "tag" is an arbitrary text string that you can set to whatever you want, and then read it back using WMI and the Win32_SystemEnclosure class...
string[] selectedProperties = new string[] { "SMBIOSAssetTag" };
ObjectQuery enclosureQuery = new SelectQuery("Win32_SystemEnclosure", null, selectedProperties);
using (ManagementObjectSearcher enclosureSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(enclosureQuery))
using (ManagementObjectCollection enclosureCollection = enclosureSearcher.Get())
foreach (ManagementObject enclosure in enclosureCollection)
string assetTag = (string) enclosure.GetPropertyValue("SMBIOSAssetTag");
One thing you can use is the MAC of any Network interface. You can also combine several sources of information. Like HDD Serial number, mac, processor type to calculate a hash from it.
Some good identifiers:
Use the network card's MAC address. It's supposed to be unique. It can be changed, though. It depends on how malicious you expect your users to be and how critical your application is.
Some sample code to do it:
public string GetMACAddress() {
ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration");
ManagementObjectCollection moc = mc.GetInstances();
string MACAddress = String.Empty;
foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc) {
if (MACAddress == String.Empty) { // only return MAC Address from first card
if ((bool)mo["IPEnabled"] == true) MACAddress = mo["MacAddress"].ToString();
return MACAddress;
Each computer has a SID that's unique under normal circumstances.