XSL-FO is officially dying
On Sat, 2013-11-02, Liam R. E. Quin wrote:
"We have closed the Working Group because not enough people were taking part", W3C XML Activity Lead, about the failure of XSL-FO 2.0 continuity.
The last update for the Working Draft was in January 2012, and now confirmed: W3C stop developing XSL-2.
Why? It will be replaced by CSS3-page, see Use of XSL-FO, CSS3 instead of CSS2 to create Paginated documents like PDF?
PS: open-source projects dyed early. The Apache XSL-FO project last release, for instance, was in August 2008, then in 2012 (thanks @mzjn for updating!), with (FOP v1.1) ~100 fixded bugs.
Edit: in Jun 2015 XSL-FO 2.0 remains as "W3C Working Draft 17" (of January 2012). But we need to correct PS about Apache (thanks @mzjn!), that was released as Apache FOP 2.0. Also softwares like 3B2 has been maintained.