I have an AnimationSet with inside a ScaleAnimation and a TranslateAnimation like this:
TranslateAnimation goTopFromRight =
To avoid the ScaleAnimation movement when using the ScaleAnimation and TranslateAnimation, you have to multiply the TranslateAnimation parametres with those from ScaleAnimation like this:
TranslateAnimation goRightFromTop;
ScaleAnimation sizeNotUp;
goRightFromTop = new TranslateAnimation(0,(-( invisibleCenterImageView.getLeft() - imageViewRight.getLeft() ))*(1/0.6667f), 0, (-( invisibleCenterImageView.getTop() - imageViewRight.getTop()))*(1/0.6667f));
sizeNotUp = new ScaleAnimation(1,0.6667f,1,0.6667f,Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, (float)0.5, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, (float)0.5);
And then, surprise you deleted the ScaleAnimation movement.
My solution is to add a container outside your view, and apply the scale animation to your view while applying translate animation to the container.
Then you can make more complex animation even via XML~
The correct solution is to change order of animations. Scale must go first:
I remember having weird problems with nested animations as well.
Have you tried setting the pivot point manually? See public ScaleAnimation (float fromX, float toX, float fromY, float toY, float pivotX, float pivotY)
from http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/animation/ScaleAnimation.html for it.
It could work.