I am having an issue with Google Maps Reverse Geocoding when it comes to setting a UILabel\'s text to the reverse geocoded address. The UILabel is in an XIB use as a custom info
You are using a return out of the braces of the geocoding, for this reason the last code works. You should do something like this:
func getAddress(currentAdd : ( returnAddress :String)->Void){
let infoWindow = NSBundle.mainBundle().loadNibNamed("InfoWindowCurrent", owner: self, options: nil)[0] as! InfoWindowCurrent
let geocoder = GMSGeocoder()
let coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(Double(self.locLatitude)!,Double(self.locLongitude)!)
var currentAddress = String()
geocoder.reverseGeocodeCoordinate(coordinate) { response , error in
if let address = response?.firstResult() {
let lines = address.lines! as [String]
currentAddress = lines.joinWithSeparator("\n")
currentAdd(returnAddress: currentAddress)
And call that function
getAddress() { (returnAddress) in
The first response worked for me. As an alternative to
marker.title = lines.joined(separator: "\n")`
try this, it will give you the street address:
marker.title = response?.firstResult()?.thoroughfare
marker.snippet = response?.firstResult()?.locality
For the city, try
marker.snippet = response?.firstResult()?.locality
So, I ended up going another route. It's not pretty, but it works. Each GMSMarker has a "userData" attribute that can be used to pass data. What I did was moved the marker creation into the reverse geocode completion handler and assigned the address to the "userData" attribute. Then, when the user taps to show the current address, the reverse geocode is kicked off, the marker is created and placed on the map.
geocoder.reverseGeocodeCoordinate(position) { response, error in
if let location = response?.firstResult() {
let marker = GMSMarker(position: position)
let lines = location.lines! as [String]
marker.userData = lines.joined(separator: "\n")
marker.title = lines.joined(separator: "\n")
marker.infoWindowAnchor = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: -0.25)
marker.accessibilityLabel = "current"
marker.map = self.mapView
self.mapView.animate(toLocation: position)
self.mapView.selectedMarker = marker
And when the marker is selected, the label is set to the address as passed in the "userData" attribute:
let infoWindow = Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("InfoWindowCurrent", owner: self, options: nil)?[0] as! InfoWindowCurrent
infoWindow.labelAddress.text = marker.userData as? String
return infoWindow