Can some one give me a simple example of Raphael eve()
I don\'t quite understand the parameters and how to call events. I was searching around for a bit b
Use Event.js. I think it is better. Not just faster. But understand the key conceptual difference. eve.js works without a DOM. Event.js is basicaly DOM events library. Although not 100%.
Simple example of the event functionality in Raphaël:
We define the function that will fire the event
function bar()
var a, b;
a = 1;
b = 2;
eve("run-foo", "self", a, b);
The event listener function
function foo(arg1, arg2, arg3)
// if the event is fired from bar() :
// this == "self"
// arg1 == a == 1
// arg2 == b == 2
// arg3 == undefined/null
eve.on("run-foo", foo);