I haven\'t been able to find anything that works so far for ordering questions by number of upvotes using the acts_as_votable gem.
Here are my upvote and index methods:<
This particular gem has a caching migration you can run as well.
class AddCachedVotesToPosts < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
add_column :posts, :cached_votes_total, :integer, :default => 0
add_column :posts, :cached_votes_score, :integer, :default => 0
add_column :posts, :cached_votes_up, :integer, :default => 0
add_column :posts, :cached_votes_down, :integer, :default => 0
add_index :posts, :cached_votes_total
add_index :posts, :cached_votes_score
add_index :posts, :cached_votes_up
add_index :posts, :cached_votes_down
# Uncomment this line to force caching of existing votes
# Post.find_each(&:update_cached_votes)
def self.down
remove_column :posts, :cached_votes_total
remove_column :posts, :cached_votes_score
remove_column :posts, :cached_votes_up
remove_column :posts, :cached_votes_down
My suggestion would be to create a new migration with the sample code and use that to sort against.
Once you've created that migration, you can sort on one of those columns:
For example:
<% Post.order(:cached_votes_up).each do |post| %>
... html goodness here ...
<% end %>
That will sort by the number of up votes.