I have searched around but cant find an a satisfactory answer to this question.
I have a meteor website where users login and create content. I also want to create a pho
I published a package for writing REST APIs in Meteor 0.9.0+ that supports authentication. It is meant to replace RestStop2 (the accepted answer) now that it is deprecated, and has a similar API:
It was inspired by RestStop2 and built with Iron Router's server-side routing.
UPDATE: I just wanted to include a code example for anyone that finds this. This is the Restivus Quick Start example from the GitHub README:
Items = new Mongo.Collection 'items'
if Meteor.isServer
# API must be configured and built after startup!
Meteor.startup ->
# Global API configuration
useAuth: true
prettyJson: true
# Generates: GET, POST, DELETE on /api/items and GET, PUT, DELETE on
# /api/items/:id for Items collection
Restivus.addCollection Items
# Generates: GET, POST on /api/users and GET, DELETE /api/users/:id for
# Meteor.users collection
Restivus.addCollection Meteor.users,
excludedEndpoints: ['deleteAll', 'put']
authRequired: true
authRequired: false
roleRequired: 'admin'
# Maps to: /api/posts/:id
Restivus.addRoute 'posts/:id', authRequired: true,
get: ->
post = Posts.findOne @urlParams.id
if post
status: 'success', data: post
statusCode: 404
body: status: 'fail', message: 'Post not found'
roleRequired: ['author', 'admin']
action: ->
post = Posts.findOne @urlParams.id
if post
status: "success", data: post
statusCode: 400
body: status: "fail", message: "Unable to add post"
roleRequired: 'admin'
action: ->
if Posts.remove @urlParams.id
status: "success", data: message: "Item removed"
statusCode: 404
body: status: "fail", message: "Item not found"
A few days ago I started on an app with similar requirements regarding authentication. I found that Differential's RESTstop2 recently, in version 0.6.0, upgraded their authentication support to support the newly added Bcrypt encryption in Meteor.
You simply send username and password either as URL params or body like this:
curl --data "password=testpassword&user=test" http://localhost:3000/api/login/
and the server will return the following (if credentials are correct):
{ success: true, loginToken: "f2KpRW7KeN9aPmjSZ", userId: fbdpsNf4oHiX79vMJ }
On each request you make to the server, include the loginToken and userId as headers.
You should check it out:
Docs: http://github.differential.io/reststop2/
Github: https://github.com/Differential/reststop2
Another option (besides RESTstop2 mentioned in other answer), you can use stand-alone api-password package from Atmosphere, which does exactly what you need: authenticate REST calls on the server side. It supports Meteor 0.8.2 (with bcrypt) as well.
Example for the server side
try {
if (ApiPassword.isPasswordValid(username, password)) {
console.log('password is valid for this user');
} else {
console.log('password is not valid');
} catch (exc) {
// possible causes: 'User is not found', 'User has no password set'