Hi i am trying to set up google tv emulator in my windows machine.I am able to install googleTv Adon avilable in api level 13
But when i am trying to create AVD it throw
Run Android SDK Manager
and install the image it wants.
The emulator can power on. But the performance is so poor. It always ANR and force close. I suggest you do not develop on it.
The solution is to create avd with a command line.
android create avd -n GoogleTV -t 11
Where 11 is the api id. In your system this will be different then mine so first issue a comamnd
android list target
In my case it was
... id: 11 or "Google Inc.:Google TV Addon:12" Name: Google TV Addon ....
For convenience on linux you can use
android list target | grep TV -B 2
I have followed the above but none of the them are working for me , still getting the same error. this is happening o on my windows i5 machine.
Could someone tell me anyone is able to install the AVD for Google-TV on windows machine..