how to get results from xml sax parser in python

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南方客 2021-02-09 12:42

I working on xml sax parser to parse xml files and below is my code

xml file code:

    Registered Nurse-Epilepsy&         
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<p>You need to implement a characters handler too:</p>

<pre><code>def characters(self, content):
    print content

<p>but this potentially gives you text in chunks instead of as one block per tag.</p>

<p>Do yourself a big favour though and use the ElementTree API instead; that API is far pythononic and easier to use than the XML DOM API.</p>

<pre><code>from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

etree = ET.parse('/path/to/xml_file.xml')
jobtitle = etree.find('job/title').text

<p>If all you want is a straight conversion to a dictionary, take a look at this handy ActiveState Python Cookbook recipe: Converting XML to dictionary and back. Note that it uses the ElementTree API as well.</p>

<p>If you have a set of existing elements you want to look for, just use these in the <code>find()</code> method:</p>

<pre><code>fieldnames = [
    'title', 'job-code', 'detail-url', 'job-category', 'description',
    'summary', 'posted-date', 'location', 'address', 'city', 'state',
    'zip', 'country', 'company', 'name', 'url']
fields = {}

etree = ET.parse('/path/to/xml_file.xml')

for field in fieldnames:
    elem = etree.find(field)
    if field is not None and field.text is not None:
        fields[field] = elem.text
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<p>To get the text content of a node, you need to implement a characters method. E.g. </p>

<pre><code>class Exact(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
  def __init__(self):
    self.curpath = []

  def startElement(self, name, attrs):
    print name,attrs

  def endElement(self, name):
    print 'end ' + name

  def characters(self, content):
    print content

<p>Would output:</p>

<pre><code>job <xml.sax.xmlreader.AttributesImpl instance at 0xb6d9baec>

title <xml.sax.xmlreader.AttributesImpl instance at 0xb6d9bb0c>
Registered Nurse-Epilepsy
end title

job-code <xml.sax.xmlreader.AttributesImpl instance at 0xb6d9bb2c>
end job-code

detail-url <xml.sax.xmlreader.AttributesImpl instance at 0xb6d9bb2c>

end detail-url

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<p>I would recommend using a pulldom. This allows you to load a doc with a sax parser, and when you find a node that you are interested in, to load just that node into a dom fragment.</p>

<p>Here is an article on using it with some examples:</p>
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<p>To get the content of an element, you need to overwrite the <code>characters</code> method... add this to your handler class:</p>

<pre><code>def characters(self, data):
    print data

<p>Be careful with this, though: The parser is not required to give you all data in a single chunk. You should use an internal Buffer and read it when needed. In most of my xml/sax code I do something like this:</p>

<pre><code>class MyHandler(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
    def __init__(self):
        self._charBuffer = []

    def _flushCharBuffer(self):
        s = ''.join(self._charBuffer)
        self._charBuffer = []
        return s

    def characters(self, data):

<p>... and then call the flush method on the end of elements where I need the data.</p>

<p>For your whole use case - assuming you have a file containing multiple job descriptions and want a list which holds the jobs with each job being a dictionary of the fields, do something like this:</p>

<pre><code>class MyHandler(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler):
    def __init__(self):
        self._charBuffer = []
        self._result = []

    def _getCharacterData(self):
        data = ''.join(self._charBuffer).strip()
        self._charBuffer = []
        return data.strip() #remove strip() if whitespace is important

    def parse(self, f):
        xml.sax.parse(f, self)
        return self._result

    def characters(self, data):

    def startElement(self, name, attrs):
        if name == 'job': self._result.append({})

    def endElement(self, name):
        if not name == 'job': self._result[-1][name] = self._getCharacterData()

jobs = MyHandler().parse("job-file.xml") #a list of all jobs

<p>If you just need to parse a single job at a time, you can simplify the list part and throw away the <code>startElement</code> method - just set _result to a dict and assign to it directly in <code>endElement</code>.</p>
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