I\'ve added one to many relationship in Room using Relation. I referred to this post to write the following code for relation in Room.
The post tells how to read th
Currently there is no native solution to this problem. I have created this https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/62848977 on Google's issue tracker and the Architecture Components Team said they will adding a native solution in or after v1.0 of Room library.
Temporary Workaround:
Meanwhile you can use the solution mentioned by tknell.
public void insertPetsForUser(User user, List<Pet> pets){
for(Pet pet : pets){
You can do this by changing your Dao from an interface to an abstract class.
public abstract class UserDao {
public void insertPetsForUser(User user, List<Pet> pets){
for(Pet pet : pets){
abstract void _insertAll(List<Pet> pets); //this could go in a PetDao instead...
public abstract void insertUser(User user);
@Query("SELECT * FROM User")
abstract List<UserWithPets> loadUsersWithPets();
You can also go further by having a User
object have an @Ignored List<Pet> pets
public class User {
public int id; // User id
public List<Pet> pets
and then the Dao can map UserWithPets
to User:
public List<User> getUsers() {
List<UserWithPets> usersWithPets = loadUserWithPets();
List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>(usersWithPets.size())
for(UserWithPets userWithPets: usersWithPets) {
userWithPets.user.pets = userWithPets.pets;
return users;
This leaves you with the full Dao:
public abstract class UserDao {
public void insertAll(List<User> users) {
for(User user:users) {
if(user.pets != null) {
insertPetsForUser(user, user.pets);
private void insertPetsForUser(User user, List<Pet> pets){
for(Pet pet : pets){
public List<User> getUsersWithPetsEagerlyLoaded() {
List<UserWithPets> usersWithPets = _loadUsersWithPets();
List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>(usersWithPets.size())
for(UserWithPets userWithPets: usersWithPets) {
userWithPets.user.pets = userWithPets.pets;
return users;
//package private methods so that wrapper methods are used, Room allows for this, but not private methods, hence the underscores to put people off using them :)
abstract void _insertAll(List<Pet> pets);
abstract void _insertAll(List<User> users);
@Query("SELECT * FROM User")
abstract List<UserWithPets> _loadUsersWithPets();
You may want to have the insertAll(List<Pet>)
and insertPetsForUser(User, List<Pet>)
methods in a PetDAO instead... how you partition your DAOs is up to you! :)
Anyway, it's just another option. Wrapping your DAOs in DataSource objects also works.
As Room does not manage the Relations of the entities, you have to set the userId
on each pet yourself and save them. As long as there are not too many pets at once, I'd use an insertAll
method to keep it short.
public interface PetDao {
void insertAll(List<Pet> pets);
I don't think there's any better way at the moment.
To make the handling easier, I'd use an abstraction in the layer above the DAOs:
public void insertPetsForUser(User user, List<Pet> pets){
for(Pet pet : pets){
Now at v2.1.0 Room seems to be not suitable for models with nested relations. It needed lots of boilerplate code to maintain them. E.g. manual insert of lists, creating and mapping local IDs.
This relations-mapping operations are done out of box by Requery https://github.com/requery/requery Additionaly it does not have issues with inserting Enums and have some converters for other complex types like URI.
There is no native solution till any update in Room Library but you can do this by a trick. Find below mentioned.
Just Create a User with Pets (Ignore pets). Add getter and setter. Notice that we have to set our Id's manually later and can't use autogenerate
public class User {
public int id;
private List<Pet> petList;
Create a Pet.
public class Pet
public int id;
public int userId;
public String name;
The UserDao should be an abstract class instead of an Interface. Then finally in your UserDao.
public abstract void insertUser(User user);
public abstract void insertPetList(List<Pet> pets);
@Query("SELECT * FROM User WHERE id =:id")
public abstract User getUser(int id);
@Query("SELECT * FROM Pet WHERE userId =:userId")
public abstract List<Pet> getPetList(int userId);
public void insertUserWithPet(User user) {
List<Pet> pets = user.getPetList();
for (int i = 0; i < pets.size(); i++) {
public User getUserWithPets(int id) {
User user = getUser(id);
List<Pet> pets = getPetList(id);
return user;
Your problem can be solved by this without creating UserWithPets POJO.
I managed to insert it properly with a relatively simple workaround. Here are my entities:
public class Recipe {
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
public long id;
public String name;
public String description;
public String imageUrl;
public int addedOn;
public class Ingredient {
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
public long id;
public long recipeId;
public String name;
public String quantity;
public class RecipeWithIngredients {
public Recipe recipe;
@Relation(parentColumn = "id",entityColumn = "recipeId",entity = Ingredient.class)
public List<Ingredient> ingredients;
I am using autoGenerate for auto-increment value(long is used with a purpoes). Here is my solution:
public abstract class RecipeDao {
public void insert(RecipeWithIngredients recipeWithIngredients){
long id=insertRecipe(recipeWithIngredients.getRecipe());
public void delete(RecipeWithIngredients recipeWithIngredients){
abstract void insertAll(List<Ingredient> ingredients);
abstract long insertRecipe(Recipe recipe); //return type is the key here.
abstract void delete(Recipe recipe,List<Ingredient> ingredients);
@Query("SELECT * FROM Recipe")
public abstract List<RecipeWithIngredients> loadAll();
I had problem linking the entities, auto generate produced "recipeId=0" all the time. Inserting the recipe entity firstly fixed it for me.