I have a multi-store setup and I am setting a Product\'s Attribute for a particular store to use the \"Use Default Value\" option - (ie to use the value in the Store View), as f
The "Use Default Value" flag isn't stored in the database anywhere.
Magento core uses that flag to do this when saving products:
* Check "Use Default Value" checkboxes values
if ($useDefaults = $this->getRequest()->getPost('use_default')) {
foreach ($useDefaults as $attributeCode) {
$product->setData($attributeCode, false);
Before doing some other things.
I would look at Mage_Adminhtml_Catalog_ProductController
(app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/controllers/Catalog/ProductController.php) and learn how Magento core does it.
Specifically saveAction()
and _initProductSave()
I hope this points you in the right direction.
Simply use 0 as the store ID (admin store) which is the same thing as default values in the Magento Admin.
array('name' => false),
If you already set the store view scopes you will have to go in and recheck the use default values or it will override the attribute at the relevant scope.
There may be a way to programmatically set these. I'm uncertain.