I recently started working with MongoDB and Apache Solr. I am using MongoDB as a data store and I want Apache Solr to create index for my data for the search feature in my appli
Consider using mongoConnector. Check out http://blog.mongodb.org/post/29127828146/introducing-mongo-connector
Hadoop is an option for creating SOLR indexes. I haven't done this first hand, but have heard from people such as etsy who are.
On this course at lucene revolution they talked about using hadoop to update the indexes in some SOLR cores. Unfortunately I don't think the course material is publicly available.
And at this talk the speaker talked about the mongo/hadoop support.
Other related links:
Did you set the replica set mode? http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/replica-configuration/
In the beginning, I was getting the same output as you described although there were no data in Solr. After, I set up replication mode, it seems that oplog file was created and mongodbconnector was correctly synchronizing with SOLR. Works quite nicely for me.