Is anyone else having a difficult time getting Twitters oAuth\'s callback URL to hit their localhost development environment. Apparently it has been disabled recently. http:
I just had to do this last week. Apparently localhost
doesn't work but
does Go figure.
This of course assumes that you are registering two apps with Twitter, one for your live
and another for
Yes, it was disabled because of the recent security issue that was found in OAuth. The only solution for now is to create two OAuth applications - one for production and one for development. In the development application you set your localhost callback URL instead of the live one.
Just put as the callback url, where xxxx is the port for your framework
These are the steps that worked for me to get Facebook working with a local application on my laptop:
This is how i did it:
Registered Callback URL:
OAuthTokenResponse authorizationTokens =
public static class ConfigSettings
public static String getConsumerKey()
return System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConsumerKey"].ToString();
public static String getConsumerSecret()
return System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConsumerSecret"].ToString();
<add key="ConsumerKey" value="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"/>
<add key="ConsumerSecret" value="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"/>
Make sure you set the property 'use dynamic ports' of you project to 'false' and enter a static port number instead. (I used 1066).
I hope this helps!
I was working with Twitter callback url on my localhost. If you are not sure how to create a virtual host ( this is important ) use Ampps. He is really cool and easy. In a few steps you have your own virtual host and then every url will work on it. For example:
download and install ampps
Add new domain. ( here you can set for example twitter.local) that means your virtual host will be http://twitter.local and it will work after step 3.
I am working on Win so go under to your host file -> C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts and add line: twitter.local
Restart your Ampps and you can use your callback. You can specify any url, even if you are using some framework MVC or you have htaccess url rewrite.
Hope This Help! Cheers.