I am trying to make a wizard using Roman Nurik\'s library (https://plus.google.com/113735310430199015092/posts/6cVymZvn3f4).
I am having trouble accessing the collected
The best solution is to include this library in your project as module, and implement your own method for getting review items in ReviewFragment.
public List<ReviewItem> getReviewItems() {
return mCurrentReviewItems;
I am not sure why developer did not add that. It's the most important thing in project. Choose items and DO something with them.
Inside if (mPager.getCurrentItem() == mCurrentPageSequence.size()) { }
For single page variable:
String data = mWizardModel.findByKey("Sandwich:Bread").getData().getString(Page.SIMPLE_DATA_KEY);
For customized page:
String data =
If you want to assign the data back to the wizard, put this at the end of onCreate in FragmentActivity:
Bundle data = new Bundle();
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(DATA_STRING)) {
data.putString(Page.SIMPLE_DATA_KEY, DATA_STRING);
The key "Sandwich:Bread" is from the example, change whatever suit you. Never try the multi one, I think it is more or less the same.
Sorry for big delay, but I think that someone will found this info useful. I found a way to get all ReviewItems
since you can have a lot of branches and you won't be able to use the first answer.
I'm pretty sure, that your mPagerAdapter::getItem
code looked like in example (so it just returned new fragment, instead of returning current pager fragment). You have to use instantiateItem
to get reference on your ReviewFragment
Object o = mPager.getAdapter().instantiateItem(mPager, mPager.getCurrentItem());
if(o instanceof ReviewFragment) {
List<ReviewItem> items = ((ReviewFragment) o).getCurrentReviewItems();
if(items != null) {
Log.v(TAG, "Items are: " + items.toString());
This is my code @Anton_Shkurenko
mNextButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
if (mPager.getCurrentItem() == mCurrentPageSequence.size()) {
Object o = mPager.getAdapter().instantiateItem(mPager, mPager.getCurrentItem());
if(o instanceof ReviewFragment) {
List<ReviewItem> items = ((ReviewFragment) o).getCurrentReviewItems();
if(items != null) {
Log.v(TAG, "Items are: " + items.toString());
Anyone still looking for a solution for this issue you can use following code
ArrayList<ReviewItem> reviewItems = new ArrayList<ReviewItem>();
for (Page page : mWizardModel.getCurrentPageSequence()) {