Code a linear programming exercise by hand

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自闭症患者 2021-02-09 06:16

I have been doing linear programming problems in my class by graphing them but I would like to know how to write a program for a particular problem to solve it for me. If there

  • 2021-02-09 06:44

    I wrote this is matlab yesterday, which could be easily transcribed to C++ if you use Eigen library or write your own matrix class using a std::vector of a std::vector

    function [x, fval] = mySimplex(fun, A, B, lb, up)
    %Examples paramters to show that the function actually works 
    % sample set 1 (works for this data set)
    % fun = [8 10 7];
    % A = [1 3 2; 1 5 1];
    % B = [10; 8];
    % lb = [0; 0; 0];
    % ub = [inf; inf; inf];
    % sample set 2 (works for this data set)
    fun = [7 8 10];
    A = [2 3 2; 1 1 2];
    B = [1000; 800];
    lb = [0; 0; 0];
    ub = [inf; inf; inf];
    % generate a new slack variable for every row of A 
    numSlackVars = size(A,1); % need a new slack variables for every row of A 
    % Set up tableau to store algorithm data 
    tableau = [A; -fun];
    tableau = [tableau, eye(numSlackVars + 1)];
    lastCol = [B;0];
    tableau = [tableau, lastCol];
    % for convienience sake, assign the following: 
    numRows = size(tableau,1);
    numCols = size(tableau,2);
    % do simplex algorithm 
    % step 0: find num of negative entries in bottom row of tableau 
    numNeg = 0; % the number of negative entries in bottom row
    for i=1:numCols 
        if(tableau(numRows,i) < 0)
            numNeg = numNeg + 1;
    % Remark: the number of negatives is exactly the number of iterations needed in the
    % simplex algorithm 
    for iterations = 1:numNeg 
        % step 1: find minimum value in last row 
        minVal = 10000; % some big number 
        minCol = 1; % start by assuming min value is the first element 
        for i=1:numCols
            if(tableau(numRows, i) < minVal)
                minVal = tableau(size(tableau,1), i);
                minCol = i; % update the index corresponding to the min element 
        % step 2: Find corresponding ratio vector in pivot column 
        vectorRatio = zeros(numRows -1, 1);
        for i=1:(numRows-1) % the size of ratio vector is numCols - 1
            vectorRatio(i, 1) = tableau(i, numCols) ./ tableau(i, minCol);
        % step 3: Determine pivot element by finding minimum element in vector
        % ratio
        minVal = 10000; % some big number 
        minRatio = 1; % holds the element with the minimum ratio 
        for i=1:numRows-1
            if(vectorRatio(i,1) < minVal)
                minVal = vectorRatio(i,1);
                minRatio = i;
        % step 4: assign pivot element 
        pivotElement = tableau(minRatio, minCol);
        % step 5: perform pivot operation on tableau around the pivot element 
        tableau(minRatio, :) = tableau(minRatio, :) * (1/pivotElement);
        % step 6: perform pivot operation on rows (not including last row)
        for i=1:size(vectorRatio,1)+1 % do last row last 
            if(i ~= minRatio) % we skip over the minRatio'th element of the tableau here 
                tableau(i, :) = -tableau(i,minCol)*tableau(minRatio, :) +  tableau(i,:);
    % Now we can interpret the algo tableau 
    numVars = size(A,2); % the number of cols of A is the number of variables 
    x = zeros(size(size(tableau,1), 1)); % for efficiency 
    % Check for basicity 
    for col=1:numVars
        count_zero = 0;
        count_one = 0;
        for row = 1:size(tableau,1)
            if(tableau(row,col) < 1e-2)
                count_zero = count_zero + 1;
            elseif(tableau(row,col) - 1 < 1e-2)
                count_one = count_one + 1;
                stored_row = row; % we store this (like in memory) column for later use 
        if(count_zero == (size(tableau,1) -1) && count_one == 1) % this is the case where it is basic 
            x(col,1) = tableau(stored_row, numCols);
            x(col,1) = 0; % this is the base where it is not basic 
    % find function optimal value at optimal solution 
    fval = x(1,1) * fun(1,1); % just needed for logic to work here 
    for i=2:numVars 
        fval = fval + x(i,1) * fun(1,i);
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  • 2021-02-09 07:02

    There are quite a number of Simplex Implementations that you will find if you search.

    In addition to the one mentioned in the comment (Numerical Recipes in C), you can also find:

    1. Google's own Simplex-Solver
    2. Then there's COIN-OR
    3. GNU has its own GLPK
    4. If you want a C++ implementation, this one in Google Code is actually accessible.
    5. There are many implementations in R including the boot package. (In R, you can see the implementation of a function by typing it without the parenthesis.)

    To address your other two questions:

    1. Will all LPs be coded the same way? Yes, a generic LP solver can be written to load and solve any LP. (There are industry standard formats for reading LP's like mps and .lp

    2. Would brute force work? Keep in mind that many companies and big organizations spend a long time on fine tuning the solvers. There are LP's that have interesting properties that many solvers will try to exploit. Also, certain computations can be solved in parallel. The algorithm is exponential, so at some large number of variables/constraints, brute force won't work.

    Hope that helps.

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