I\'m trying to authenticate my SPA (angular.js and adal.js (similar to the https://github.com/Azure-Samples/active-directory-angularjs-singlepageapp-dotnet-webapi example)
Officially it's not supported by Microsoft, but with some modifications of experimental branch on github azure-activedirectory-library-for-js you can get it working.
Fix logout url to v2.0 endpoint of oauth2 protocol with the policy parameter in the logOut method of adal.js at line 546:
var urlNavigate = this.instance + tenant + '/oauth2/v2.0/logout?' + logout + (this.config.extraQueryParameter ? '&' + this.config.extraQueryParameter : '');
The username property is never set in method _createUser of adal.js. The username is used in renew token process, fix it by adding this three lines:
if (parsedJson.hasOwnProperty('emails')) {
user.userName = parsedJson.emails[0];
Finally, in adal-angular.js at line 146, acquireTokenSilent is called with wrong type parameter. This method accept only array type as scopes parameter, fix it by placing clientId in array:
_adal.acquireTokenSilent([_adal.config.clientId], null, function (error, tokenOut) {
I already pulled a request on github about this, you can use it as reference.
When you initialize adal provider on angular put your b2c sign in policy in extraQueryParameter like this:
tenant: 'tenant.onmicrosoft.com',
clientId: 'clientid',
extraQueryParameter: "p=B2C_1_SignIn"
}, $httpProvider);
Looks like an AzureAD B2C scenario sample code for SPA was just released on github. See it here.
"The sample shows how to build a web application using Hello.js that performs identity management with Azure AD B2C. The app is a simple web application that performs sign-in, sign-up, and sign-out functions with sign-in and signIn-signUp policies and also edit profile using EditProfile Policy."
NOTE: At the time of this answer the functionality is still in "preview"
This is not currently supported.
Single Page Applications (Javascript)
Many modern applications have a Single Page Application (SPA) front-end written primarily in Javascript and often using a SPA frameworks such as AngularJS, Ember.js, Durandal, etc. This flow is not yet available in Azure AD B2C preview.