Set a property on ViewBag dynamic object in F#

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伪装坚强ぢ 2021-02-09 05:35

I have this action method in C#:

  public ActionResult Index() {
      ViewBag.Message = \"Hello\";
      return View();

And this

  • 2021-02-09 05:56

    Instead of

    x?ViewBag <- "Hello"


    x.ViewBag?Message  <- "Hello"
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  • 2021-02-09 06:13

    Just to provide a similar example, the MvcMovie example in the ASP.NET Core docs uses the following controller method:

    public IActionResult Welcome(string name, int numTimes = 1)
        ViewData["Message"] = "Hello " + name;
        ViewData["NumTimes"] = numTimes;
        return View();

    converted to F#:

    member this.Welcome (name : string, num_times : int) =
        this.ViewData.Add("Message", box ("Hello " + name))
        this.ViewData.Add("NumTimes", box num_times)
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-09 06:15

    The ViewBag property is just a wrapper that exposes the ViewData collection as a property of type dynamic, so that it can be accessed dynamically from C# (using property set syntax). You could use implementation of ? based on DLR to do that (see this discussion at SO), but it is easier to define ? operator that adds data directly to ViewDataDictionary (which is exposed by the ViewData property):

    let (?<-) (viewData:ViewDataDictionary) (name:string) (value:'T) =
      viewData.Add(name, box value)

    Then you should be able to write

    x.ViewData?Message <- "Hello"
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