I have this WSDL: https://secure.softwarekey.com/solo/webservices/XmlCustomerService.asmx?WSDL
I am trying to use SoapClient to send a request to the CustomerSearch meth
I think you need to look more into the documentation (with regards to the any
parameter). But your request should be something like this:
$url = 'https://secure.softwarekey.com/solo/webservices/XmlCustomerService.asmx?WSDL';
$client = new SoapClient($url);
$xmlr = new SimpleXMLElement("<CustomerSearch></CustomerSearch>");
$xmlr->addChild('AuthorID', $authorID);
$xmlr->addChild('UserID', $userID);
$xmlr->addChild('UserPassword', $userPassword);
$xmlr->addChild('Email', $customerEmail);
$params = new stdClass();
$params->xml = $xmlr->asXML();
$result = $client->CustomerSearchS($params);
EDIT: This is how I've done it in similar project. It may not be best practice. SoapVar might be the better way to do it (SoapVoar example with ANY_XML).
try passing $client->CustomerSearch($CustomerSearch);
or pass a string