List comprehension vs high-order functions in F#

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伪装坚强ぢ 2021-02-09 02:22

I come from SML background and feel quite comfortable with high-order functions. But I don\'t really get the idea of list comprehension. Is there any situation where list co

  • 2021-02-09 03:09

    Choosing between comprehensions and higher-order functions is mostly a matter of style. I think that comprehensions are sometimes more readable, but that's just a personal preference. Note that the cartesian function could be written more elegantly like this:

    let rec cartesian = function  
      | [] -> [[]]  
      | L::Ls -> 
         [ for C in cartesian Ls do for x in L do yield x::C ]

    The interesting case is when writing recursive functions. If you use sequences (and sequence comprehensions), they remove some unnecessary allocation of temporary lists and if you use yield! in a tail-call position, you can also avoid stack overflow exceptions:

    let rec nums n = 
      if n = 100000 then []
      else n::(nums (n+1))
    // throws StackOverflowException
    nums 0 
    let rec nums n = seq {
      if n < 100000 then
        yield n
        yield! nums (n+1) }
    // works just fine
    nums 0 |> List.ofSeq 

    This is quite an interesting pattern, because it cannot be written in the same way using lists. When using lists, you cannot return some element and then make a recursive call, because it corresponds to n::(nums ...), which is not tail-recursive.

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  • 2021-02-09 03:14

    Looking at the generated code in ILSpy, you can see that list comprehensions are compiled to state machines (like methods using yield return in C#), then passed to something like List.ofSeq. Higher-order functions, on the other hand, are hand-coded, and frequently use mutable state or other imperative constructs to be as efficient as possible. As is often the case, the general-purpose mechanism is more expensive.

    So, to answer your question, if performance is critical there is usually a higher-order function specific to your problem that should be preferred.

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  • 2021-02-09 03:24

    Adding to Tomas Petricek's answer. You can make the list version tail recursive.

    let nums3 n =
        let rec nums3internal acc n = 
            if n = 100000 then
                nums3internal (n::acc) (n+1) //Tail Call Optimization possible
        nums3internal [] n |> List.rev
    nums3 0

    With the added benefit of a considerable speedup. At least when I measured with the stopwatch tool I get. (nums2 being the algorithm using Seq).

    Nums2 takes 81.225500ms
    Nums3 takes 4.948700ms

    For higher numbers this advantage shrinks, because List.rev is inefficient. E.g. for 10000000 I get:

    Nums2 takes 11054.023900ms
    Nums3 takes 8256.693100ms
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