This may be a basic question, but I could not find an answer for it on Google.
I have a map-reduce job that creates multiple output files in its output directory.
My Java a
FSDataInputStream inputStream =;
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
String record;
while((record = reader.readLine()) != null) {
int blankPos = record.indexOf(" ");
String keyString = record.substring(0, blankPos);
String valueString = record.substring(blankPos + 1);
System.out.println(keyString + " | " + valueString);
The method you are looking for is called listStatus(Path). It simply returns all files inside of a Path as a FileStatus array. Then you can simply loop over them create a path object and read it.
FileStatus[] fss = fs.listStatus(new Path("/"));
for (FileStatus status : fss) {
Path path = status.getPath();
SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, path, conf);
IntWritable key = new IntWritable();
IntWritable value = new IntWritable();
while (, value)) {
System.out.println(key.get() + " | " + value.get());
For Hadoop 2.x you can setup the reader like this:
SequenceFile.Reader reader =
new SequenceFile.Reader(conf, SequenceFile.Reader.file(path))
You have a few options: here are two that I sometimes use.
Method #1: Depending on your data size, is to make use of the following HDFS commands (found here, Item 6)
hadoop fs -getmerge hdfs-output-dir local-file
// example
hadoop fs -getmerge /user/kenny/mrjob/ /tmp/mrjob_output
// another way
hadoop fs -cat /user/kenny/mrjob/part-r-* > /tmp/mrjob_output
"This concatenates the HDFS files hdfs-output-dir/part-* into a single local file."
Then you can just read in the one single file. (note that it is in local storage and not HDFS)
Method #2: Create a helper method: (I have a class called HDFS which contains the Configuration, FileSystem instances as well as other helper methods)
public List<Path> matchFiles(String path, final String filter) {
List<Path> matches = new LinkedList<Path>();
try {
FileStatus[] statuses = fileSystem.listStatus(new Path(path), new PathFilter() {
public boolean accept(Path path) {
return path.toString().contains(filter);
for(FileStatus status : statuses) {
} catch(IOException e) {
LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return matches;
You can then call via a command like this: hdfs.matchFiles("/user/kenny/mrjob/", "part-")