I\'m working with https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-go-driver and currently trying to implement a partial update of such struct
type NoteUpdate struct {
Unfortunately this is currently not supported.
You may create a helper function which "converts" a struct value to a bson.Document like this:
func toDoc(v interface{}) (doc *bson.Document, err error) {
data, err := bson.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
err = bson.Unmarshal(data, &doc)
Then it can be used like this:
partialUpdate := &NoteUpdate{
Title: "Some new title",
doc, err := toDoc(partialUpdate)
// check error
res := c.FindOneAndUpdate(
bson.NewDocument(bson.EC.String("_id", "some-note-id")),
bson.NewDocument(bson.EC.SubDocument("$set", doc)),
Hopefully ElementConstructor.Interface() will improve in the future and allow passing struct values or pointers to struct values directly.