I am not a Delphi programmer, but I I got an old Delphi 7 application that I need to fix and it is using ADO.
The database table (MS Accesss) contains +100,000 rows and
You could use that adoTable with an Server OpenForwardOnly cursor and an TCLientDataset with PacketRecords set to nonzero value. Worked wonderfully when I had to write an app to pump data from MSSQL to Oracle on a customized way with tables with millions of records.
EDIT -> It would be something on the lines of this:
procedure ConfigCDSFromAdoQuery(p_ADOQ: TADOQuery; p_CDS: TClientDataset; p_Prov: TDatasetProvider);
If p_ADOQ.Active then p_ADOQ.Close;
p_ADOQ.CursorLocation := clServer;
p_ADOQ.CursorType := ctOpenForwardOnly;
p_Prov.Dataset := p_ADOQ;
p_CDS.PacketRecords := 100;
end ;
I've done this all by code, but most of that you can do in design-time.
I have found ADO + Access w/Delphi to be painfully slow, for lots of things (big table reads like you're describing, but also inserts as well, etc). My answer became "Quit using ADO and Access altogether."
Never did understand why it performed so poorly, especially when earlier technologies seemed not to.
use adoquery If you do not need any row and just want insert new row use sql command like this 'select * from myTable where id=-1' Since Id is autonumber no rows will return . or 'select * from myTable where 1=-1' But I think it is not good way for Insering data. Using adocommand is sure much better.
if you want X rows 'select top X * from myTable '
This article is BDE specific, but applies to ADO or most client data access libraries.
I would recommend using TADODataSet (it's "closer" to the ADO layer than TADOQuery) and selecting only the data the client needs by providing a custom search form (date range, list of specific items, etc)
Good luck
You could use TADOQuery to limit the result set with a sql query. Or you could use TADOTable and set the CursorLocation to a Server side cursor to prevent the client loading the complete resultset in memory.