sp_spaceused - How to measure the size in GB in all the tables in SQL

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离开以前 2021-02-09 01:18

Following the discussion in How to measure table size in GB in a table in SQL, I\'m looking for a solution to measure the space used by all the tables of a SQL Server individual

  • 2021-02-09 01:26

    There are a couple of options here:


    sp_msforeachtable 'exec sp_spaceused [?]'

    While sp_msforeachtable can be used for this is has a couple of limitations:

    • Firstly you end up with a result set for each table that is run, which is hard to work with
    • If you run it over too many tables then you hit the limit of result sets that SSMS will support (think this is usually around the 200 mark)

    Collated results

    With a little more work, we can collate all the results into a single data set, avoiding these limitations. The pattern of this solution is similar whenever there is a requirement to run a sproc a bunch of times with different parameters and to collate the results from those runs.

    --Get list of interesting tables
    declare @tables table(id int identity(1,1), name varchar(200))
    declare @tablename varchar(200)
    insert @tables
    select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_type = 'BASE TABLE'
    --Define table for results
    declare @info table(name varchar(200), rows bigint, reserved varchar(200), data varchar(200), index_size varchar(200), unused varchar(200))
    --Working vars
    declare @max int, @pos int
    select @max = count(1), @pos = 1 from @tables
    --Loop to get all results
    while @pos <= @max
        select @tablename = name from @tables where id = @pos
        insert @info
        exec sp_spaceused @tablename
        set @pos = @pos + 1
    --return all results
    select * from @info

    I prefer to use variable tables for this, but a cursor/temp table can be used as well.

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  • 2021-02-09 01:29

    I know this isn't exactly what you are asking for as it DOESN'T use sp_spaceused but this will provide the results you are after.

        s.Name AS SchemaName,
        t.NAME AS TableName,
        p.rows AS RowCounts,
        SUM(a.total_pages) * 8 AS TotalSpaceKB,
        ( SUM(a.total_pages) * 8 ) / 1024.0 AS TotalSpaceMB,
        (( SUM(a.total_pages) * 8 ) / 1024.0)/1024.0 AS TotalSpaceGB,
        SUM(a.used_pages) * 8 AS UsedSpaceKB,
        ( SUM(a.used_pages) * 8 ) / 1024.0 AS UsedSpaceMB,
        (( SUM(a.used_pages) * 8 ) / 1024.0) /1024.0 AS UsedSpaceGB,
        ( SUM(a.total_pages) - SUM(a.used_pages) ) * 8 AS UnusedSpaceKB,
        ( ( SUM(a.total_pages) - SUM(a.used_pages) ) * 8 ) / 1024.0 AS UnusedSpaceMB,
        (( ( SUM(a.total_pages) - SUM(a.used_pages) ) * 8 ) / 1024.0)/1024.0 AS UnusedSpaceGB,
    FROM    sys.tables t
        INNER JOIN sys.schemas s ON s.schema_id = t.schema_id
        INNER JOIN sys.indexes i ON t.OBJECT_ID = i.object_id
        INNER JOIN sys.partitions p ON i.object_id = p.OBJECT_ID
                                       AND i.index_id = p.index_id
        INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units a ON p.partition_id = a.container_id
    WHERE   t.NAME NOT LIKE 'dt%'
        AND t.is_ms_shipped = 0
        AND i.OBJECT_ID > 255
    GROUP BY s.Name,
       ORDER BY s.Name,

    Let me know if you really need it to use sp_spaceused.

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  • 2021-02-09 01:34

    The following base query works. It gets the same output as sp_spaceused, using the same algorithm, but much more efficiently. Please do not use the CURSOR + sp_spaceused method; there is absolutely no reason to do that. And a potential problem with using sp_spaceused is that it is intended to be a report proc so the output is all text, not actual numbers, and parsing that back into numbers can be error-prone.

    It is also best to not use either sys.tables or sp_msforeachtable as they both exclude indexed views.

    The following is exactly the same as sp_spaceused in terms of:

    • Includes XML indexes, FullText indexes, indexed views, etc.
    • Breaks down the info for Data vs Index space used

    If you need it to work for all databases, it can be easily adapted for that as well.

    If you need this data broken down per index, I have adapted the following query in response to this question on DBA.StackExchange: space usage on sys.allocation_units and sp_spaceused

    ;WITH extra AS
    (   -- Get info for FullText indexes, XML Indexes, etc
        SELECT  sit.[object_id],
                SUM(ps.reserved_page_count) AS [reserved_page_count],
                SUM(ps.used_page_count) AS [used_page_count]
        FROM    sys.dm_db_partition_stats ps
        INNER JOIN  sys.internal_tables sit
                ON  sit.[object_id] = ps.[object_id]
        WHERE   sit.internal_type IN
                   (202, 204, 207, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 221, 222, 236)
        GROUP BY    sit.[object_id],
    ), agg AS
    (   -- Get info for Tables, Indexed Views, etc (including "extra")
        SELECT  ps.[object_id] AS [ObjectID],
                ps.index_id AS [IndexID],
                SUM(ps.in_row_data_page_count) AS [InRowDataPageCount],
                SUM(ps.used_page_count) AS [UsedPageCount],
                SUM(ps.reserved_page_count) AS [ReservedPageCount],
                SUM(ps.row_count) AS [RowCount],
                SUM(ps.lob_used_page_count + ps.row_overflow_used_page_count)
                        AS [LobAndRowOverflowUsedPageCount]
        FROM    sys.dm_db_partition_stats ps
        GROUP BY    ps.[object_id],
        UNION ALL
        SELECT  ex.[parent_id] AS [ObjectID],
                ex.[object_id] AS [IndexID],
                0 AS [InRowDataPageCount],
                SUM(ex.used_page_count) AS [UsedPageCount],
                SUM(ex.reserved_page_count) AS [ReservedPageCount],
                0 AS [RowCount],
                0 AS [LobAndRowOverflowUsedPageCount]
        FROM    extra ex
        GROUP BY    ex.[parent_id],
    ), spaceused AS
    SELECT  agg.[ObjectID],
            OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(agg.[ObjectID]) AS [SchemaName],
            OBJECT_NAME(agg.[ObjectID]) AS [TableName],
                    WHEN (agg.IndexID < 2) THEN agg.[RowCount]
                    ELSE 0
                END) AS [Rows],
            SUM(agg.ReservedPageCount) * 8 AS [ReservedKB],
            SUM(agg.LobAndRowOverflowUsedPageCount +
                    WHEN (agg.IndexID < 2) THEN (agg.InRowDataPageCount)
                    ELSE 0
                END) * 8 AS [DataKB],
            SUM(agg.UsedPageCount - agg.LobAndRowOverflowUsedPageCount -
                    WHEN (agg.IndexID < 2) THEN agg.InRowDataPageCount
                    ELSE 0
                END) * 8 AS [IndexKB],
            SUM(agg.ReservedPageCount - agg.UsedPageCount) * 8 AS [UnusedKB],
            SUM(agg.UsedPageCount) * 8 AS [UsedKB]
    FROM    agg
    GROUP BY    agg.[ObjectID],
    SELECT sp.SchemaName,
           (sp.ReservedKB / 1024.0 / 1024.0) AS [ReservedGB],
           (sp.DataKB / 1024.0 / 1024.0) AS [DataGB],
           (sp.IndexKB / 1024.0 / 1024.0) AS [IndexGB],
           sp.UsedKB AS [UsedKB],
           (sp.UsedKB / 1024.0 / 1024.0) AS [UsedGB],
           (sp.UnusedKB / 1024.0 / 1024.0) AS [UnusedGB],
           so.[type_desc] AS [ObjectType],
           so.[schema_id] AS [SchemaID],
    FROM   spaceused sp
    INNER JOIN sys.all_objects so
            ON so.[object_id] = sp.ObjectID
    WHERE so.is_ms_shipped = 0
    --so.[name] LIKE N''  -- optional name filter
    --ORDER BY ??
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  • 2021-02-09 01:44

    I'm assuming your trying to use sp_spaceused to find the size for ALL tables in a db?

    If so, you can do this:

    USE database_name
    sp_msforeachtable 'exec sp_spaceused [?]'
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