Comparing Two Folders and its Subfolder batch file

前端 未结 4 1588
渐次进展 2021-02-09 00:27

I have two folders that contain all the same files and subfolders, but the conents inside each file may have changed. I want to write a batch file that will search through each

  • 2021-02-09 00:34

    Here is another way to accomplish the task. Set the variables Folder1 and Folder2 to the full path of the folders you want to compare and run the batch file.


    Dup – the file exists in both folders and are identical.

    Dif - the file exists in both folders but the content of the files are different.

    New – The file exists in one folder but not the other.

    @Echo Off
    SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    Set "Folder1=%UserProfile%\Desktop\Test Folder1"
    Set "Folder2=%UserProfile%\Desktop\Test Folder2"
    For /R "%Folder1%" %%x In (*.*) Do (
        Set "FullPath=%%x"
        Set "RelPath=!FullPath:%Folder1%=!"
        If Exist "%Folder2%!RelPath!" (
          >Nul 2>&1 FC /b "%Folder1%!RelPath!" "%Folder2%!RelPath!" && (
           Echo Dup - %%x
           Echo Dif - %%x
        ) Else (
          Echo New - %%x
    For /R "%Folder2%" %%x In (*.*) Do (
        Set "FullPath=%%x"
        Set "RelPath=!FullPath:%Folder2%=!"
        If Not Exist "%Folder1%!RelPath!" (
          Echo New - %%x
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  • 2021-02-09 00:41

    I'm having better luck with the following batch file. The path names have to completely match though; so only the Drive Letter differs.

    Mapping a shared network folder may make this easier. I can't say for sure for your case.

    '--- setlocal set "folder1=D:\User\Public" set "Drv2=E:" set "fileMask=*"

     set "folder1=<DrvLttr>:\<Folder>\<SubFolder>"
     set "Drv2=<DrvLttr2>:"
     set "LogFile=<SystemDrv>\User\<UserName>\<LogFileName>"
    ECHO "the '>' may OVER WRITE or make a ~NEW~ File for the results" > "%LogFile%"
    ECHO " '>>' adds to the end of the file >> "%LogFile%"
    FOR /R %folder1% %%A in ( *.* ) DO FC "%%A" "%Drv2%%%~pnxA" 1>> "%LogFile%" 2>&1

    If you wish to note what is going to be the command for testing, you can try inserting ECHO after DO. You can drop the 1>>... stuff to see the result on screen, instead of having to open the output file.

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  • 2021-02-09 00:48

    No need for a batch file. A single FC command can do what you want:

    fc folder1\* folder2\*

    You can be more specific for the file mask in the first folder if you want. For example folder1\*.txt.

    The command will report on files that exist in folder1 but are missing in folder2. Extra files in folder2 are simply ignored.

    There are a number of options to the FC command. Enter HELP FC or FC /? from the command prompt to get more information.


    Extending the solution to support subfolders is a bit tricky. It is easy to iterate the folder hierarchy for a given root using FOR /R. The problem is getting the relative paths so that the hierarchy can be applied to another root.

    The simplest solution is to use FORFILES instead, since it directly supports relative paths. but FORFILES is... S L O W :/

    At this point, a batch file makes sense:

    @echo off
    set "folder1=c:\path\To\Folder1\Root"
    set "folder2=d:\path\To\Folder2\Root"
    set "fileMask=*"
    for /f "delims=" %%F in (
      'echo "."^&forfiles /s /p "%folder1%" /m "%fileMask%" /c "cmd /c if @isdir==TRUE echo @relpath"'
    ) do fc "%folder1%\%%~F\%fileMask%" "%folder2%\%%~F\*"
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-09 00:52

    I modified a batch file I wrote for a CD process that should meet your need. It

    • takes 2 directory trees and compares each file in each tree
    • creates a list of the file differences (named File_differences.txt in the output folder)
    • and creates a folder with a diff file for each non-matching object

    If both directory structures are under the same parent, then all you need to do is update the first 8 variables in the script. If the directory trees have different parents, then read through the scripts comments. Particularly lines 14, 38 and 46.

    :: This script compares the contents of 2 trees
    :: set a workspace location for the script outside of the trees being reviewed
    set home=D:\path\to\batch_file_home
    set Input=D:\path\to\batch_file_home\Input_Files
    set Resource=D:\path\to\batch_file_home\Resource_Files
    set Output=D:\path\to\where your want to view your\Output_Files
    set environment=D:\path\to\parent directory containing the different tree structures (if they do not share a parent, then make this the drive)
    :: the next 3 lines are only needed if you want to predefine multiple directories for comparison 
    set Prod=production
    set QA=test
    set Dev=branches\dev
    :: If you remove the 3 lines above, then you need to replace the 2 below variables with values
    :: If the trees are not under the same parent, then include the full path for Tree A and B below
    set Tree_A=%Prod%
    set Tree_B=%QA%
    :: if you already have an object list, place it in the Input folder and remove lines 24 through 35 of this script
    set Object_List=Object_List_minus_Direcotries.txt
    set Output_File=File_differences.txt
    if exist %Output%\%Output_File% del %Output%\%Output_File%
    if exist %Output%\Differences\*.txt del %Output%\Differences\*.txt
    if exist %Resource%\* del /q %Resource%\*
    :: since you state the objects in both trees are always the same, I have not included a comparison to verify the 2 trees match
    :: this section identifies the contents of Tree A
    cd %environment%\%Tree_A%
    dir /b /s > %Resource%\Complete_Tree_A_Object_List.txt
    :: Next, remove the objects that are directories
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    for /f "tokens=*" %%p in (%Resource%\Complete_Tree_A_Object_List.txt) do (
      dir /a:d /b %%p 2>nul >nul && (set object_type=folder) || (set object_type=file)
      echo !object_type!
      if !object_type!==file echo %%p >> %Resource%\%Object_List%
    :: in the object list, remove the parent tree from the path
    :: if the Trees are not under the same parent, then comment out the below 6 lines
    powershell -command "(Get-Content %Resource%\%Object_List%) -replace '\\','/' | set-content %Resource%\%Object_List%"
    powershell -command "(get-content %Resource%\%Object_List%) | Foreach {$_.TrimEnd()} | Set-Content %Resource%\%Object_List%"
    set remove_parent_prefix=%environment%\%Tree_A%
    set remove_parent_prefix=%remove_parent_prefix:\=/%
    powershell -command "(Get-Content %Resource%\%Object_List%) -replace '%remove_parent_prefix%/','' | set-content %Resource%\%Object_List%"
    powershell -command "(Get-Content %Resource%\%Object_List%) -replace '/','\' | set-content %Resource%\%Object_List%"
    :: the below loop assumes both Trees are under the same parent.  If this is not the case, replace the cd %environment% line with cd %home%
    :: when the Trees are not under the same parent, set home to the root location, example cd D:\ 
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    for /f "tokens=*" %%x in (%Resource%\%Object_List%) do (
      set Diff_File=%%x
      set Diff_File=!Diff_File:\=-!
      cd %environment%
      fc %Tree_A%\%%x %Tree_B%\%%x > "%Output%\Differences\!Diff_File!-%Output_File%"
      for %%a in ("%Output%\Differences\!Diff_File!-%Output_File%") do for /f %%b in ('find /c /v "" ^< "%%a" ') do if %%b LSS 3 del "%%a"  
      for %%R in ("%Output%\Differences\!Diff_File!-%Output_File%") do if not %%~zR lss 1 (
       echo %%x >> %Output%\%Output_File%
      for %%R in ("%Output%\Differences\!Diff_File!-%Output_File%") do if %%~zR lss 1 (
         del "%Output%\Differences\!Diff_File!-%Output_File%"
    :: Clean up Resources.  If you want to review the temp files used to create the report, comment out the below line
    if exist %Resource%\* del /q %Resource%\*
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