Now, I set path variable
path : D:..;C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application
Chrome : C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chromedriver.exe
You need chromeDriver not Chrome. Start by downloading the chrome driver.
Put it somewhere that your test can access (for example a bin folder relative to your tests).
Now you need to set the environment variable to point the chrome driver.
You can do it from outside the test (for example, as a global setting for your desktop), or from your test setup.
From outside the test
Just set the environment variable to point the executable.
(Control Panel -> System -> Edit the system environment variables)
From inside the test
If you're using jython, you need to create a small java library to do that for you
public void setSystemProperty(String key, String value) {
And use it from your test
Prepare Selenium Driver
Set System Property ${EXECDIR}/chromedriver.exe
If you're using Python, you can use the OperatingSystem library
*** Settings ***
Library OperatingSystem
Suite Setup Setup chromedriver
*** Keywords ****
Setup chromedriver
Set Environment Variable ${EXECDIR}/chromedriver.exe
Download Chromedriver.exe from its official website and keep this .exe file in 'C:\Python27\Scripts' directory.Now mention this path as your environment variable eg. C:\Python27\Scripts\chromedriver.exe Now Restart your computer and execute your test case.