Can\'t stand it that i can\'t figure it out myself....
i\'ve used this in the formatting of a number in my report:
\'€\' #,0.00;(\'€\' #,0.
You can use the format € #,0.00 and set the language of your report to de-DE by clicking outside of the report area and in the right properties pane go to Localization -> Language.
For indian currency, in the field value use like =Format(Fields!ServiceTaxAmt.Value,"##,##,##,###.00") and change the language value to hi-in for report property.
You can find the definition of the comma and period dynamic behavior here:
I think the best way to reliably get what you want is to hard code a locale into the expression for this field.
= (new Decimal(11123.55)).ToString("€#,0.00;(€#,0.00)",
new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("es-ES"))
This will always use the comma as decimal, and period as millions, thousands &c.
There are ways to be more dynamic and always return in the clients local set format, that would usually be preferable.
Try this out. It will format your value to the correct number of decimal places.
I know this is an old thread, but in case someone needs it, there is an easiest and most proper way to do it :
To "customize" your '1000 separator':
This Works correctly with [set Language as hi-IN and Format as "##,##,##,###.00"]
Appreciate your Efforts
Also Same can be achieved by following Steps