When ever I make a css class change, the changes don\'t always appear. This appears to happen when I have a touch event that adds something like a down class name to a butto
I had this problem because onPageStared and onPageFinished I show and hide a loading animation.
Since was injecting JS do my menus and stuff from the original website and noticed that injecting JS on onPageFinished force the webview to draw contents. Here is a example of what you can add at the end of onPageFinished
view.loadUrl("javascript:(function() { var select = document.getElementsByClassName('something')[0]\r\n" +
" if(select)" +
" select.style.display = 'none';})()");
Just clear the cache of webView in oncreate() and it works for me.
Please also see my answer at WebView fails to render until touched Android 4.2.2 , The idea is to export @Olivier's function to JavaScript so you can trigger invalidates from JS in sensible parts ... My god, yet another more hack !! :)