How can I get a list of all the model objects that have a ForeignKey pointing to an object? (Something like the delete confirmation page in the Django admin before DELETE C
Django 1.9
get_all_related_objects() has been deprecated
user = User.objects.get(id=1)
Note: RemovedInDjango110Warning: 'get_all_related_objects is an unofficial API that has been deprecated. You may be able to replace it with 'get_fields()'
Give this a try.
class A(models.Model):
def get_foreign_fields(self):
return [getattr(self, for f in self._meta.fields if type(f) == models.fields.related.ForeignKey]
Unfortunately, user._meta.get_fields() returns only relations accessible from user, however, you may have some related object, which uses related_name='+'. In such case, the relation would not be returned by user._meta.get_fields(). Therefore, if You need generic and robust way to merge objects, I'd suggest to use the Collector mentioned above.