how can I Update top 100 records in sql server

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醉梦人生 2020-11-27 10:03

I want to update the top 100 records in SQL Server. I have a table T1 with fields F1 and F2. T1 has 200 records. I want

  • 2020-11-27 10:21


    UPDATE Dispatch_Post
    SET isSync = 1
    WHERE ChallanNo 
    IN (SELECT TOP 1000 ChallanNo FROM dbo.Dispatch_Post ORDER BY 
    CreatedDate DESC)
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-27 10:23

    Without an ORDER BY the whole idea of TOP doesn't make much sense. You need to have a consistent definition of which direction is "up" and which is "down" for the concept of top to be meaningful.

    Nonetheless SQL Server allows it but doesn't guarantee a deterministic result.

    The UPDATE TOP syntax in the accepted answer does not support an ORDER BY clause but it is possible to get deterministic semantics here by using a CTE or derived table to define the desired sort order as below.

    SELECT TOP 100 * 
    FROM T1 
    ORDER BY F2 
    UPDATE CTE SET F1='foo'
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-27 10:32

    What's even cooler is the fact that you can use an inline Table-Valued Function to select which (and how many via TOP) row(s) to update. That is:

    UPDATE MyTable
    SET Column1=@Value1
    FROM tvfSelectLatestRowOfMyTableMatchingCriteria(@Param1,@Param2,@Param3)

    For the table valued function you have something interesting to select the row to update like:

    CREATE FUNCTION tvfSelectLatestRowOfMyTableMatchingCriteria
        @Param1 INT,
        @Param2 INT,
        @Param3 INT
        SELECT TOP(1) MyTable.*
        FROM MyTable
        JOIN MyOtherTable
          ON ...
        JOIN WhoKnowsWhatElse
          ON ...
        WHERE MyTable.SomeColumn=@Param1 AND ...
        ORDER BY MyTable.SomeDate DESC

    ..., and there lies (in my humble opinion) the true power of updating only top selected rows deterministically while at the same time simplifying the syntax of the UPDATE statement.

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  • 2020-11-27 10:32

    You can also update from select using alias and join:

    UPDATE  TOP (500) T
    SET     T.SomeColumn = 'Value'
    FROM    SomeTable T
            INNER JOIN OtherTable O ON O.OtherTableFK = T.SomeTablePK
    WHERE   T.SomeOtherColumn = 1
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  • 2020-11-27 10:34
    update tb set  f1=1 where id in (select top 100 id from tb where f1=0)
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  • 2020-11-27 10:46

    Note, the parentheses are required for UPDATE statements:

    update top (100) table1 set field1 = 1
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