enable :sessions
get \'/foo\' do
session[\'m\'] = \'Hello World!\'
redirect \'/bar\'
get \'/bar\' do
session[\'m\'] # => \'Hello World!\'
Perhaps you have cookies disabled on your web browser? Sinatra's sessions use cookies by default.
Here's my test app:
require 'sinatra'
enable :sessions
get '/foo' do
session['m'] = 'Hello World!'
redirect '/bar'
get '/bar' do
Rack: #{Rack::VERSION}
Sinatra: #{Sinatra::VERSION}
And here it is in action:
phrogz$ curl --cookie-jar cookies.txt -L http://localhost:4567/foo
Ruby: 1.9.2
Rack: [1, 1]
Sinatra: 1.2.3
"Hello World!"
phrogz$ curl -L http://localhost:4567/foo
Ruby: 1.9.2
Rack: [1, 1]
Sinatra: 1.2.3
phrogz$ cat cookies.txt
# Netscape HTTP Cookie File
# http://curl.haxx.se/rfc/cookie_spec.html
# This file was generated by libcurl! Edit at your own risk.
localhost FALSE / FALSE 0 rack.session BAh7BkkiBm0GOgZFRkkiEUhl...
Without cookies, your redirect will work but it will be as though it's a brand new session after the redirect, with the session starting from scratch.
Are you using shotgun? If so, do the following:
configure(:development) { set :session_secret, "something" }
This will no longer be necessary in Sinatra 1.3.