I\'ve started using (as of, a few hours ago) Durandal with the hope to manage views and allow composition within a single page - the previous approach, also using Knockout, was
I think that it's possible to pass any basis object as we do with modal call. ko.compose
is passive; with durandal router, you can carry your data to where you like. Have a look to my work-around in this answer and help to perform.
There is a great writeup on how to do this with John Papa's SPA template for Visual Studio by Eric Panorel here: http://ericpanorel.net/blog/hot-towel-spa-master-detail-scenario.
In short, you can take advantage of routing in Durandal, and it would go something like this:
will expose a set of items:
define(function() {
var self = this;
this.items = ko.observableArray([]);
var activate = function() {
// ... get your items
self.items([ { id: 0, name: 'Item 1' }, { id: 1, name: 'Item 2' }]);
return {
// some properties and ...
activate: activate
will bind them and link to details view:
<section data-bind="foreach: items">
<a data-bind="text: name, attr: { href: '#/item/' + id() }"></a>
Now, all that remains it to use route data parameter to pull the ID out in the detail viewmodel, detail.js
define(function() {
var self = this;
this.name = ko.observable();
var activate = function(routeData) {
var itemId = routeData.id;
// ... get your item details
// var details = ...
return {
// some properties and ...
activate: activate
Finally, you will need to specify the route in your main.js
define(['durandal/app', 'durandal/viewLocator', 'durandal/system', 'durandal/plugins/router'],
function(app, viewLocator, system, router) {
//>>excludeStart("build", true);
app.title = 'Durandal app';
app.start().then(function() {
toastr.options.positionClass = 'toast-bottom-right';
toastr.options.backgroundpositionClass = 'toast-bottom-right';
//Replace 'viewmodels' in the moduleId with 'views' to locate the view.
//Look for partial views in a 'views' folder in the root.
//configure routing
router.mapRoute('item/:id', 'viewmodels/item', 'Item', false);
//Show the app by setting the root view model for our application with a transition.
app.setRoot('viewmodels/shell', 'entrance');
And there you go!
If you look at the breeze source code, you can see an example of a master-detail approach.
They are using an activator to compose the child view.
I don't know if you are using breeze or not, but the approach is independent of how do you get the data.