I am writing a script to automate setting up new projects for me.
this includes pulling down a github repository.
What I want to do is have some output from my s
git clone
does provide a exit code you can read with $? like follows:
git clone user@server:repo
echo $?
This will print 0 if everything worked just fine. If for example the folder is not a git repository you will get the exit code 128.
you can check if the clone worked as follows:
git clone user@server:repo localrepo --quiet
if [[ $success -eq 0 ]];
echo "Repository successfully cloned."
echo "Something went wrong!"
will suppress any output from git, as long as there are no errors. So if you just remove the else-branch you will get you positive output or the error produced by git.
git clone user@server:repo localrepo > git.log 2>&1
if [[ $? eq 0 ]];
echo Repository successfully cloned.
cat git.log
echo Repository cloning failed.
rm git.log
git clone user@server:repo localrepo > git.log 2>&1
Redirects stdout and stderr streams to git.log. > git.log
redirects stdout to git.log 2>&1
redirects stderr to the same place as stdout(thus, git.log).
$? eq 0
Checks the retcode of git which should be 0 if the clone was successful.
cat git.log
outputs the contents of the git.log file.